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Oakleigh, VIC 3166 Whiplash Treatment and Headache

Headache is documented in 90 percent of car accident patients, and there are many different possible causes.

Cervicogenic headache symptoms are likely the most widespread after a car crash. Cervicogenic means "originating in the neck" and these headaches are produced by irritation of the nerves that travel through the head and neck. These nerve fibers are injured either directly from the impact or as a consequence of ligament or disc injury in the spinal column.

Tension headaches are also commonly seen, as the muscle tissue can be damaged in a collision, causing them to spasm. Vascular symptoms, or injury to the arteries in your neck, are less common, but can be very serious. Signs of vascular injury are dizziness, faintness, blurry vision, neck pain, and headache.

Traumatic brain injury can also cause headaches. If you hit your head during the collision, or if it was a high speed crash, you may have sustained a traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, even "mild" cases, can have long-term effects on your well-being and productivity.

Finally, migraines are another type of headache that has been reported after an auto injury. Studies have shown that chiropractic can be an effective way to manage migraines.

Headache can be a symptom of a more serious condition, so it's necessary to have your chiropractor do a thorough exam after a car crash.

If you have been in a car wreck and have headache symptoms, Dr. Liveriadis is here to help. We can help identify the root cause of your problem and formulate a treatment plan to help you reclaim your health. We've helped many patients in Oakleigh, VIC 3166 heal from these sorts of problems.

Call our office today at (03) 9579 2699 for an appointment or for more information.

June 03, 2015
dr sam

Dr. Liveriadis

Since 1987, North Road Chiropractic patients have benefited from the hands-on, low-force, safe and painless chiropractic techniques offered. Utilizing the best and latest in diagnostic techniques, state of the art equipment, setting us apart amongst Oakleigh chiropractors.