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Groin Pain in Women | Causes and Treatments

Groin painThe groin is the area from the end of your abdomen to the start of your legs. The pain caused in this area can be mild to severe. In women, there are certain factors that can lead to groin pain.

Causes & Symptoms of Groin Pain in Women

Groin pain can be either on the left or to the right. Once the right cause is diagnosed, the treatment is implemented accordingly. Some of the common causes of groin pain in women include:

  • Pregnancy: For some, groin pain can be related to pregnancy. This is because the body undergoes hormonal changes during this period. Groin pain, in this case, is generally accompanied by pain and discomfort in the genital area, lower back, and upper thighs.

  • Kidney stones: Kidney stones can be a reason for groin pain in women. The symptoms associated with this are vomiting, sweating, nausea and pain during urination.

  • Ectopic pregnancy: This is a pregnancy where the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. This may cause severe pain in the left side of the groin. This condition is generally accompanied by giddiness, cramps and vaginal bleeding.

  • Urinary tract infection: If the urinary tract is infected, you may suffer from severe pain in the groin. Other symptoms are coloring of urine, and pain in the genital area.

  • Colon cancer: The pain in the groin can be due to the cancer cells in the colon. Other symptoms of colon cancer are rectal bleeding with immense pain and constipation.

  • Femoral hernia: Hernia in women can be a reason for groin pain too. This is generally accompanied by vomiting, fever and nausea.


Never try self-medication as it may make the condition worse. It is advised you consult with the doctor, so that a proper diagnosis can be obtained along with the appropriate course of treatment. When there’s sudden and severe groin pain, or when the pain is chronic, it is better to get it treated soon. Medication, injections, and chiropractic treatments cure groin pain in women.

Some of the home remedies for mild groin pain include applying ice pack, using of heat packs, soft massage of essential oils into the affected area, and stretching exercises.

What We Offer

North Road Chiropractic offers extensive treatment in helping your neck and back related issues. We can also helps you recover from auto injuries, tailbone injury, and work injuries.

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