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Kids and Chiropractic: Overcoming Tech Neck, Improving Posture, and Performing Their Best - Why Chiropractic Care is Critical for Kids Who Play Sports

Why Chiropractic Care is Critical for Kids Who Play Sports

Youth sports are a big deal. It's estimated that over 45 million kids are actively engaged in sports! While sports give kids a fantastic opportunity to grow socially and physically, they also increase risks for injuries, pain from overuse, and muscular imbalances. Finding proactive ways to reduce the risk of injury and balance the effects of training are essential for your child's developing musculoskeletal system.

Your child's skeletal system is actively developing until they are approximately 25 years old. Their postural habits, history of injuries, and genetics play a role in their body's final form (and function). Sports have the potential to add a significant amount of stress and increase the chances of injuries for your developing child. Even small injuries to their spine can create bigger challenges down the road as they get older.

To recap:

  • Addressing minor injuries and challenges while your child is young can help ensure proper musculoskeletal development.
  • Youth sports can increase your child's likelihood of developing overuse, growth plate injuries, and chronic pain.
  • Chiropractic care is a safe and natural way to help your child stay active and perform their best.

Science Sources

Text Neck Syndrome. Intl Journal of Env Research and Public Health. 2021.

Back Pain in School Children. Dynamic Chiropractic. 1995.

School Children's Backpacks, Back Pain and Back Pathologies. Arch Dis Child. 2012.

Specialization & Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes. UCONN Health. 2017.

Learning Upregulates Neurotrophic Factor. Behavioral Neuroscience. 2019.

The Anti-Depressant Effect of Running. Intl Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2005.

Regular Exercise Changes the Brain. Harvard Health Publishing. 2014.

How Exercise Affects Your Brain. Scientific American. 2018.

Assessment of Stresses in the Cervical Spine Caused by Posture. Surg Tech Intl. 2014.

Text Neck Syndrome. Intl Journal of Env Research and Public Health. 2021.

Three Steps to Build a Better Back. Harvard Health Publishing. 2015.

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May 06, 2024
dr sam

Dr. Liveriadis

Since 1987, North Road Chiropractic patients have benefited from the hands-on, low-force, safe and painless chiropractic techniques offered. Utilizing the best and latest in diagnostic techniques, state of the art equipment, setting us apart amongst Oakleigh chiropractors.